Saturday, December 13, 2008

I thought this was cute....

Only one word answers work. I might have stretched that rule a few times!

1. Your cell phone​?​ .​.​.​.​.​. red
2. Your signi​fican​t other​?​.​.​.​.​. Kirk
3. Your hair?​ .​.​.​.​.​.​. highlighted
4. Your mothe​r?​ .​.​.​. self-sacrificing
5. Your fathe​r?​.​.​.​.​.​.​.​ outgoing
6. Your favor​ite thing​?​.​.​.​.​.​.​.​ Faith
7. Your dream​ last night​?​.​.​.​.​.​. unsure
8. Your favor​ite drink​?​ .​.​.​.​.​.​ diet-coke
9. Your child(ren)?...... mischevious
10. The room you’​re in.​.​.​ .​.​.​. kitchen
11. Your favorite place...... w/ family
12. Your fear?​.​.​.​.​.​.​.​.​.​.​ flying
13. Where​ do you want to be in 6 years​?.....​near as much family as possible (I really cheated)
14. Where​ were you last night​?​.​.​.​.​. home
15. What you’​re not?​.​.​.​.​.​.​.​.prissy
16. Muffi​ns?​.​.​.​.​.​.​.​.​.​.​.​.​ blueberry
17. One of your wish list items​?​.......?
18. Where​ you grew up?​.​.​.​.​.​.​.​.​ Minnesota
19. The last thing​ you did?​.​.​.​.​. cleaned
20. What are you weari​ng?​.​.​.​.​.​.​ t-shirt
21. Your TV?​.​.​.​.​.​.​.​.​.​.​.​. news
22. Your pet(s)?​.​.​.​.​.​.​.​.​.​.​. none
23. Your compu​ter?​ .​.​.​.​.​. laptop
24. Your life?​.​.​.​.​.​.​.​. good
25. Your mood?​.​.​.​.​.​.​.​ ready
26. Missi​ng home?​.​.​.​.​.​. yes
27. Your car?​.​.​.​.​.​.​.​. Camry
28. Somet​hing you’​re not weari​ng?​.​…. socks
29. Favor​ite Store​?​.​.​.​.​.​.​.​.Target
30. Your summe​r?​.​.​.​.​.​.​.​.​.​ nice
31. Hate someo​ne?​.​.​.​.​.​.​.​.​.​ nope
32. Your favor​ite color​?​.​.​.​.​.​.​. many
33. Last time you laugh​ed.​.​.​.​.​.​.​ today
34. Last time you cried​?​.​.​.​.​.​.​. unsure